Thursday, February 24, 2011

Outreach Finally Decided

So this week we figured out our outreach locations and the choices that we had to pray about.  While today our choices that we all had prayed about were due and I found out my outreach location was approved and also whom will be on my outreach team.  So I will be going to Coffs Harbour for two weeks helping out at a rehab center and getting involved with a church that has connections to our other location, Borneo.  Borneo is part of Indonesia and that is the part of that island we will be doing our outreach in.  So I have limited information at this time as the details of the trip aren't really finalized yet.  When we get to Borneo we will be going into the Jungle which is about a two day drive in a truck that we will be taking.  In the Jungle we will be going into villages and helping out at schools and just joining in the community of these people and reaching out to them showing Christ's love.

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